Encouraging the study and understanding of heritage preservation with a local and regional perspective. [more]


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About Heritage Vancouver Society

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Our Vision
“A culture that values and protects our built heritage”

Our Mission Statement
“To act as the voice of built heritage in Vancouver through education and advocacy”

Our Motto
“Creating a Future for Heritage”

About us

We're an independent non-profit society, encouraging the community to preserve, restore, and appreciate Vancouver's heritage, and are dedicated to "Creating a Future for Vancouver's Heritage". Since 1991, we've carried out a wide range of activities to create greater appreciation for our rich historical legacy and work with the community to conserve Vancouver's heritage.

Our heritage sites are community landmarks and are tangible expressions of our past that contribute to the character, attractiveness, and quality of life in our neighbourhoods. They define our communities, connect us to our history, and create a legacy for future generations.

Heritage Vancouver creates relationships with the architectural, business, arts, historic, cultural, conservation, and development communities. Together we create ideas, initiatives, and enterprises that contribute to creating a future for our heritage.



Heritage Vancouver's origins date back to the establishment of the Heritage Committee of the Community Arts Council. The Heritage Committee separated from the Arts Council in 1991 to become Heritage Vancouver, the first independent heritage advocacy group in Vancouver, a move born from a desire for more autonomy to pursue a wider range of goals and objectives.

In 1992, Heritage Vancouver was incorporated as a non-profit society dedicated to the conservation of Vancouver's built, cultural and natural heritage, and has now achieved charitable status.

The Society's Board of Directors meet monthly, and several subcommittees that deal with specific issues (Schools, Main Post Office, etc.). Many of the society's members sit on various other boards, commissions, and committees including the Vancouver Heritage Commission, the Chinatown Heritage Area Planning Committee and the Heritage Society of British Columbia.

What we do

  • advocate for heritage conservation
  • facilitate monthly lectures, special historical events and tours to promote heritage education and awareness
  • act as a forum for heritage concerns for a broader audience
  • undertake special research on heritage buildings and heritage areas
  • cooperate with local and provincial authorities in their heritage policy and programme development
  • work with national and international groups to advance our mutual mandates for heritage conservation

What you can do

  • become a member of Heritage Vancouver
  • attend our public programs and meetings
  • make a donation to Heritage Vancouver Society (tax-deductible)
  • volunteer to work on the Advocacy or Programming committees
  • help organize an architectural or historical tour
  • research the history of a building, including your own home
  • take photographs of historical buildings in Vancouver
  • join our Board of Directors
  • promote heritage awareness among your friends

Heritage Advocacy

Heritage Vancouver fights to preserve our city's heritage buildings and historic landscapes. Through advocacy we speak on behalf of the conservation of significant historic sites threatened by demolition or neglect.

Our past efforts included major public campaigns to preserve the Stanley Theatre (in 1992), Victory Square (in 1994), Lions Gate Bridge (in 1998) where we were the only voice towards its retention instead of demolition, Woodwards, Firehall #15, the Arthur Erickson designed Evergreen Building, ongoing efforts to preserve the art deco Burrard Bridge, and Vancouver's oldest remaining wooden schoolhouse Carleton Hall (1896) now in use by the Greenthumb Theatre Company.

Heritage Vancouver's advocacy work is both reactive and proactive. We act as the “Voice of Heritage”, including letter-writing, media campaigns, participating in public consultation sessions, meeting with City of Vancouver Heritage Planning staff and making presentations to City Council.

Interesting in becoming involved with our Advocacy Committee/Group? Let us know info@heritagevancouver.org

Our goals

  • Play a meaningful role in the proposed update of the City’s Heritage Register
  • Advocate for heritage conservation throughout the City on a neighbourhood level
  • Act as a resource for heritage advocacy

Heritage Vancouver has initiated several exciting new programs that will engage a broader audience in heritage conservation and improve our city-wide capacity to advocate on behalf of heritage. Our programs will support Vancouver’s heritage planning initiatives and also provide assistance to community-based conservation initiatives.


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