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Heritage Links

Local Vancouver | British Columbia | Canadian

Local Vancouver Architectural & Heritage Organisations


Grandview Heritage Group
We are a few local historians and other interested people in the Grandview community of Vancouver working to identify, preserve, and celebrate the built, natural, and cultural heritage of Grandview and Commercial Drive.

City of Vancouver - Heritage Conservation
Everything you need to know about heritage policy in Vancouver

City of Vancouver - Vancouver Heritage Commission
Advises City Council with heritage related matters

City of Vancouver - Archives (CVA)
Responsible for acquiring, organizing and preserving Vancouver's historical records

Online search: searcharchives.vancouver.ca

Vancouver Public Library Historical Photos of BC and Yukon
A large collection of Vancouver images, searchable online

Jewish Museum & Archives of British Columbia
The Jewish Museum and Archives of British Columbia is a place for everyone – the Museum’s exhibits will guide visitors through the history of British Columbia’s Jewish communities, and draw insights into the development of the Province of British Columbia in the process. www.jewishmuseum.ca

North Shore Heritage Preservation Society
Promoting the restoration and preservation of heritage and
character buildings in North and West Vancouver.

New Westminster Heritage Preservation Society

See Vancouver Heritage
Photographs of designated buildings in Vancouver and text versions
of lower mainland heritage registers

The Roedde House Museum
Roedde House is a restored late (1893) Victorian home,
in the heart of Vancouver's "West End".

Architectural Institute of British Columbia (AIBC)
An independent, professional self-regulatory body established in 1920 by provincial statute – the Architects Act.

Walking Tours of Vancouver with John Atkin

Vancouver Heritage Foundation
Created as a charitable organization in 1992. Since 1998 the Foundation has been governed by a private citizen Board comprised of 15 voting Directors and 3 non-voting members, who are appointed by Mayor & Council.

Burnaby Village Museum
Experience life as it might have been in Burnaby of the 1920s

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British Columbia Architectural and Heritage Links


BC Heritage
The provincial government's site with information on heritage attractions
around BC and links to the BC Government's Heritage Branch

British Columbia History Internet Site
A comprehensive listing of everything on BC history

The Hallmark Society
Victoria's heritage advocacy group

Heritage Society of  BC
The umbrella group for heritage organizations in the province
with information on events and programs.

New Westminster Heritage
A comprehensive site compliled by the New Westminster Public Library

City of Richmond
Online heritage register and more

City of Surrey
Comprehensive site and resources

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Canadian Architectural and Heritage Links


Canadian Centre for Architecture

Canadian Heritage Information Network

Canadian National Committee of ICOMOS

Society for the Study of Architecture In Canada (SSAC)

Canadian Association of Professional Heritage Consultants

Heritage Canada Foundation

Heritage Canada Foundation's link page

Alberta Heritage

City of Saskatoon Heritage Program

Manitoba Culture and Tourism

Architectural Conservancy of Ontario

Ontario Heritage Foundation

Heritage Toronto

Heritage Foundation of New Foundland and Labrador

Nova Scotia Tourism and Culture


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