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2002 Top Ten Endangered Sites

Top 10 2002 | < Back


10. First Church of Christ, Scientist (Saved - updated)

Jericho Beach Marginal WharfThis has been the First Church of Christ, Scientist since its construction.

The design is Second Renaissance Revival and the interior is an intact music hall, with an organ of classical design as the centerpiece of the church.

It's surrounded by pews laid out in a half-circle arrangement and is well lit by clear glass arched windows on the upper portion of both the Georgia and Alberni sides.

The building is of particular value because of the integral relationship between the interior and exterior. It has now been sold to a development corporation, but it would be good to see this Heritage Register B Listing preserved as a cultural resource, an option the City is now investigating.

Update 27 June 2005: Actively being fully restored, in part to a heritage density bonus from neighbouring development.

Update 04 May 2006: Restoration, with both the interior and exterior, is complete!


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