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2004 Top Ten Endangered Sites

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3. Burrard Bridge (1932) (again for 3rd year) (Updated)

Hastings Mill Store Completed in 1932 to provide a highlevel crossing to the western neighbourhoods, the bridge is a triumph of civic architecture and a key gateway structure.

Architects Sharp and Thompson, conscious of the bridge's ceremonial 'gateway' function, embellished the utilitarian steel superstructure with imposing concrete towers, torch-like entrance pylons, and art deco sculptural details.

Unifying the parts are heavy concrete railings, originally topped by decorative street lamps. To facilitate cyclist and pedestrian use, the previous City Council was considering demolition of the concrete railings and the addition of 'outrigger' sidewalks. Without the original railings, the bridge will lose its strong edges, and its architectural features will be isolated. The proposed outrigger structures will radically alter the external appearance of this landmark structure.

A coalition of stakeholders, including Heritage Vancouver, has written the present Council stating that the proposals are unacceptable — from both a transportation and heritage perspective. The coalition is asking Council to consider instead dedicating the two outer traffic lanes to non-motorized traffic, a solution that would involve little alteration to the bridge itself. Other non-intrusive options could also be considered.

Updates: View the ongoing updates for the Burrard Bridge here (opens in a pop-up window).


July 6, 1932; Northside approaches to bridge, Burrard & Pacific Streets; Photo courtesy the Vancouver Public Library   June 27, 1932; View from NE Granville St & Pacific St looking NW; Photo courtesy the Vancouver Public Library
Aug 1, 1932; Looking NE. Note the original lamp standards to the left of the photo, which once lined the bridge; Photo courtesy the Vancouver Public Library   1932; View looking towards English Bay; Photo courtesy the Vancouver Public Library
1932; Looking NE towards downtown. Note the original lamp standards, which once lined the bridge, helping to visually tie in the entrance torches/pillars with the centre massing; Photo courtesy the Vancouver Public Library   Jan 30, 1932; Bridge under construction, looking towards English Bay; Photo courtesy the Vancouver Public Library


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