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2005 Top Ten Endangered Sites


This year marks publication of the fifth annual Heritage Vancouver Top Ten Endangered Sites.

This is a celebration of sorts - our "Top Ten" list is now recognized as an authoritative overview of the city's threatened heritage resources. As well, its effectiveness has prompted the sincerest form of flattery, and we welcome New Westminster Heritage Preservation Society's publication of its own Top Ten list.

It was difficult to keep the list to ten: the explosive real estate development market is placing even designated sites once thought safe - like Chinatown and Gastown - in extreme jeopardy. That designated heritage sites are on our list is cause for great concern, as is the state of the Heritage Register - itself endangered and urgently requiring rescusitation! The sites finally chosen are either already in critical danger or likely be so shortly.

This year's No. 1 is a new entry - the houses of Yaletown. Woodward's remains on our list as Number 2, while another new entry, Arthur Erickson's Evergreen Building, is in third place.



1. The Houses of Yaletown Going, Going, Gone ...
With booming redevelopment in Downtown South, anything left standing from the city's earliest development will soon be splinters. This part of downtown was initially nick-named "Yaletown" as the original CPR employees came from the former shops at Yale in the Fraser River canyon.
> see full details



2. Woodward's Department Store (1903/08) (Updated)
There is still work to be done to ensure that the redevelopment of the Woodward's Building honours the building's heritage within its community.
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3. Evergreen Building (1980) (Saved - updated)
1285 West Pender Street
This modern landmark by architect Arthur Erickson, is a new addition to the HV Top Ten list and requires prompt action by City Council to preserve.
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4. Burrard Bridge (1932) (Updated)
2004 saw no resolution to the status of the Burrard Bridge and it continues to be of primary concern to HV. Completed in 1932 to provide a high-level crossing to the western neighbourhoods, the bridge is a triumph of civic architecture and a key gateway structure.
> see full details



5. Chinatown & Gastown
The future of Chinatown & Gastown is again uncertain - but it's not due to lack of heritage incentives. Property owners and developers are indeed rushing to the trough - not to rehabilitate, however, but to demolish all but street-facing facades.
> see full details



6. Roselawn Funeral Home (1941) (Lost - updated)
1669 East Broadway (at Commercial)
The City's 1986 Heritage Register is out-of-date and full of holes; that means Roselawn Funeral Home may soon end up in one - in a landfill site. As this exquisite 1941 Mission-style building is not listed on the Register, it has no protection against demolition.
> see full details



7. Percy Underwood Office (1946) (Lost - updated)
Another gap in the Register, another building under threat. Best-known for his design of the Park Board offices at the Beach Avenue entrance to Stanley Park, Percy Underwood was one of Vancouver's earliest practitioners of the International Style.
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8. Firehall No. 15 (1913) (Updated)
Concern for Firehall No. 15 persists: Firehall #15 is the last remaining of its kind still in use - Firehall #13 was demolished in 2002. Built in 1913, Firehall #15 features extensive interior woodwork, ornate pressed-metal ceilings, and the original brass pole.
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9. PNE Livestock Building (1920s & 1941) (Updated)
PNE grounds
2004 was a year of much debate about the future of Hastings Park and the PNE; yet many issues remain to be resolved. One of them - the future of the Livestock Building - returns the site to the HV 2005 list. The Livestock Building has national significance as the marshalling facility for the internment of Japanese-Canadians in 1942.
> see full details



10. Charles Dickens Elementary School (1912) (Lost - updated)
3351 Glen Drive
Already front and centre in 2005 are the implications of seismic upgrading for Vancouver's heritage schools. Charles Dickens Elementary School, on the 2004 Top Ten list, is under serious threat and a final decision to replace it is imminent.
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