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Top TenWelcome to the 9th Annual Heritage Vancouver Top Ten Endangered Sites. Released during National Heritage Week, our Top Ten list is anticipated by many as the 'word on the street' for which of the city's heritage resources are most threatened. Throughout the year, Heritage Vancouver monitors the status of our heritage sites, and these are the resources for which we have the gravest concerns. As in past years, there are some new sites, some old sites and some that are returning to the list. Here is our 2009 Top Ten Endangered List:


You can also view our previous Top Ten sites from 2001 to 2008.




1. Pantages Theatre (1907) (Lost – Demolished)
150 East Hastings Street
The current owner has plans to demolish the theatre and redevelop the site. No alternative has been found to save the Pantages.
> see full details



2. Vancouver School - Kitsilano High School (1928)
2550 West 10th Ave.; plus many other schools
The Ministry of Education's formula for seismic upgrading heritage schools threatens many of Vancouver's heritage schools, Kitsilano Secondary is most immediately under threat.
> see full details


Historic Precinct  

3. Historic Precincts: Gastown, Hastings, Chinatown
Many City Hall recent initiatives, freeze on the transfer of density, lack of other incentives and the threat of over height buildings threatens the integrity of Vancouver's Historic Precinct.
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First Shaughnessy  

4. First Shaughnessy Neighbourhood (Updated)
The Official Development Plan of 1982 is inadvertently turning this heritage character neighbourhood into an expensive subdivision of inflated faux heritage homes.
> see full details


Heatley Block  

5. Heatley Block (1931); Houses (1889 & 1898) (Updated)
684 East Hastings Street; 405-419 Heatley Street
The City's current plan to tear down this block to make way for a new library rather than following the community's interests in locating the library in a wing of Strathcona School poses a threat to this successful historic model of mixed commercial use and affordable housing on Hastings Street.
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Historic Monuments  

6. Historic Monuments
The City has no plan or budget for the maintenance, repair, restoration, or long term conservation of historic monuments.
> see full details


Firehall #15  

7. Firehall #15 (1913) (Updated)
3003 East 22nd at Nootka
The lack of a design to restore rather than replicate the firehall threatens it with either demolition or the loss of its heritage value.
> see full details


Shaughnessy Hospital  

8. Shaughnessy Hospital (1940) (Updated)
4500 Oak Street
Coastal Health has no plans to retain the significant heritage elements of the Shaughnessy Hospital within the context of new planned development.
> see full details


Robson Square  

9. Robson Square Complex (1973-79)
Robson Square is home to the Arthur Erickson-designed provincial buildings that put Vancouver on the map. Proposed changes to internationally-famous Robson Square threaten its design integrity.
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Hollow Tree  

10. Hollow Tree (Stanley Park)
The Park Board's lack of interest in playing a stewardship role for the long term protection of this cultural icon threatens the Hollow Tree.
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